Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What You Should Know About Testing for Diabetes Mellitus & How to Control It

What should I do to find out if I have Diabetes?
Talking to your friends is not going to help. Find a Primary Care Doctor and make an effort to go see the Doctor.

Note: 25% of new onset diabetes mellitus already have micro vascular disease. That means small vessel disease involving eyes, kidney and nerves. What this means is that they have had the complications of the disease for the last 4-7 yrs before the diagnosis.

What tests should I have my Doctor run?
FBS Fasting Blood sugar, RPG random plasma glucose, OGTT Oral glucose tolerance test, HbA1C, Hemoglobin A1C.

What is fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ?
Blood sample drawn when you are fasting for at least 12 hrs. Normal is if blood sugar is less than 90. If more than 110 you are going to develop Diabetes.

What is random plasma glucose (RPG)?
You do not have to fast. It is a random blood sample drawn in your Doctors office. The level should be less than 125.

What is oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)?
This test is done in the lab where you have to go in fasting and you are given a sugar load to drink and your blood sugar is checked fasting, after one hour and after 2 hours by drawing your blood.

What is HbA1C ?
See the previous article on this topic.
Can I just check my blood sugar by using my dad’s finger stick machine?
Yes, but if abnormal, Capillary blood glucose meters (finger sticks) should be confirmed with blood draw (lab testing).

Normal Abnormal Treatment

FPG <90mg/dl>90mg/dl >110mg/dl
RPG <125>125 >125
HbA1C <5.5>5.5 >6

Goal is to control with diet Start diet/exercise and every 3 months have your labs done with your Doctor Diet Exercise and start medications under the care of your Doctor

You just have been diagnosed with diabetes. The questions that should go through your mind are as follows.
Why is this happening to me?
Because you have been eating Sugar and Starch all your life thinking it is the correct food to eat.

How will it affect me?
Now you have a life long partner. I have a family, I have money. Now you can proudly say I have diabetes. Your family and money may leave you. But your diabetes will always be with you, growing with every meal, eating you up from inside.

Is diabetes self managed?
You have to constantly work with it to control it. If not, it will eat you up.

Should I be serious about diabetes mellitus?
If not, you will be seriously ill and poor. Either you control diabetes mellitus or let diabetes control you.

Learn about the disease, its medications and tests. Learn about yourself and how diabetes mellitus affect you. You can maintain it if you work hard, learn and get support.


1st stage - Diagnosis of borderline Diabetes is made.
2nd stage - You are advised to go on Diet and exercise
3rd stage - Since you continue eat starch and sugar now you have moved up to Diet, exercise and a pill.
4th stage - As you continue to live on Sugar and Starch you will now be on Diet, exercise, 2-3 pills
5th stage – This is the stage most patients do not like and that is Diet, exercise, pills and insulin.
6th stage - Diet, exercise, insulin. Why, because you have stopped making insulin and are now dependant on insulin.

By now you are fully cooked. You are ripened for
• Eye doctor
• Nerve doctor
• Heart doctor
• Kidney doctor
• General surgery
• Family doctor
• Hospital and drug companies

Your toes, legs, kidneys are all gone.
You can stop all this by giving up sugars and starches TODAY.

NOTE: Patients with Diabetes are twice likely to develop depression.

What is the 1st step to take?

Learn about diet and quit sugar/starch.

Can I avoid or slow down the complications?

• Quit sugar and starch.
• Start exercise, lose weight.
• Control your blood pressure, decrease cholesterol
• Stress management and take medications if needed
• Foot care
• See a eye doctor regularly
• See you Primary care doctor every 3 months
• Regular monitoring of blood sugar

Don’t ever go to your Doctor and tell your doctor that you do not like medications .That they are all chemicals.

Have you ever wondered what your food is?

Is it any different than chemicals?

Please listen to your Doctor and take his/her advise on medications and regular follow up visits.

If you treat food like medication then why would you need a Doctor?

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