Monday, April 26, 2010

Do You Have Sleep Apnea??

Ask Yourself These Questions:

If the answer is YES for one or several of the above questions, Chances are, you have Sleep Apnea! And a sleep study can confirm if you are at risk. In sleep apnea, your breathing stops or gets very shallow and your lungs don't get enough air. When this happens, the amount of oxygen in your blood may drop which leads to several complications:

Apnea is a Greek word which means "without breath". In sleep apnea, your breathing stops or gets very shallow and your lungs don't get enough air. When this happens, the amount of oxygen in your blood may drop which leads to several consequences.

Sleep apnea interrupts your sleep resulting to poor sleep quality which can make you very sleepy during the day. Sleep apnea is very common, as common as adult diabetes. Ask your doctor if you are at risk!

How heart disease became natural?

Question: Is heart disease a natural process for humans?

Answer: No. It is an unnatural disease created by eating unnatural foods.

By work of an angiogram, it has been proven that Hunters and Gatherers had clean arteries at the age of 80. Meanwhile, Modern Man develops plaque by the age of 50. It has been shown that even modern newborns have early fatty streaks. If hunters/ gatherers had no heart disease at a ripe old age and their kids, who evolved into modern man, start to develop plaque buildup by the age of 50, it suggests that it is more of an unnatural disease created by man eating the wrong kind of foods. We have evolved and created heart disease by eating an unnatural diet loaded with sugar, starch, and saturated fats, not to mention salt, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. Today, we think these are necessary for survival and cannot sacrifice them. The secret is to sacrifice the Seven S's that are sugar, starch, saturated fats, salt, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress.


Question: How did an unnatural diet become natural?

Answer: Nature gives food to us which are both addictive and non-addictive.

Both kinds are scarcely available. We, by help of intellect, have exploited the addicting foods by growing more grains and processing these grains to create sugar, starches, and saturated fats. In creating the full spectra of an unnatural diet and adapting to it, we have evolved to a point of accepting heart disease as a natural disease, and at this rate it is bound to affect everyone after a certain period of time.

Question: What should the goal be?

Answer: To live long and healthy lives without medication and to prevent and reverse heart disease. The secret to a long life is calories: the lack of them.

The total cholesterol levels for hunter-gatherers, wild primates, and wild animals, generally range from about 70 to 140mg/dl (corresponding to low-density lipoprotein levels of about 35 to 70mg/dl).
The mean cholesterol levels of modern Westernized humans are almost twice these normal values
(LDL of 130mg/dl). In modern human, atherosclerosis is present in up to 50% by age 50. In contrast, hunter-gatherer population showed no evidence for atherosclerosis even in the 8th decade of life.


Hunters and gatherers usually had average cholesterol of 110 and a calorie intake of less than 1400 calories a day. They were physically active with low stress levels, and their diet did not constitute any sugar, starch, saturated fat, or salt.

Question: Can we live to be 100 and lead a normal, healthy life without medication?

Answer: Yes. Look around. We do not see anyone over 40 who are not on any medication. How did this happen? How can one live without medication? By giving up the seven sins: the Seven S's (sugar, starch, saturated fats, salt, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress). By comparison, a modern man has blocked arteries by the age of 50, newborn kids have fatty streaks as early as day #1, and the normal modern adult consumes more than 3000 calories, most of which are empty calories predominantly coming from sugars, starches, and saturated fats. In addition, he tends to spice up these empty calories with salt and also enjoys smoking and leading a very sedentary lifestyle. The problem is that we have hundreds of different choices of bad foods. We go to dieticians and they put us on a diet by narrowing those hundreds of choices down to ten. But how can you expect to do well when your initial choices are already unhealthy?


Which one will you choose?

Most people have the impression that foods like fruit, cereal, skim milk, rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, brown rice, and moderate meat and alcohol consumption are all good for you. But if you look closely, most of those give you high levels of sugar, starch, and saturated fat.

Fruits? Nature gives us fruit. How can they be bad? Well, ask yourself, "What do fruits give us?"

The Basics About Cholesterol

Cholesterol, what do I need to know?

Know that cholesterol is good and bad. Why good, because we need it to survive. Why bad, because when the blood levels are too high due to bad cholesterol being elevated and good cholesterol being low it leads to medical problems.


What is a Lipid Profile?

It is a blood test that your doctor orders to see what your "Total Cholesterol" is along with HDL which is the Good Cholesterol also called Healthy cholesterol or Happy cholesterol or Garbage truck. "H" denotes healthy or happy.


Total cholesterol also gives you what your Triglycerides are. These are called fats in the blood, I call them the ugly Cholesterol. Triglycerides change with every meal. If you eat a lot of Sugar and Starch it will raise your triglycerides. That is why you are advised to go in after fasting for more than 12 hours to get your lipid profile done.


Total Cholesterol = HDL + LDL + TRIG/5


The LDL which is the bad cholesterol also called Lousy Cholesterol or Garbage can. The lower the LDL the longer you live. "L" denotes Lousy. The higher the HDL the longer you live. LOWER THE HDL AND HIGHER THE LDL IS BAD FOR YOU.




If my lab just shows Total Cholesterol and HDL what should I do?


Example: Total cholesterol of 200 and HDL of 30. Then 200 - 30 is 170. This is called the NON HDL. I would want that to be less than 100 preferably less than 80.


Next time when you are at your Doctor's office you need to look at the numbers yourself. You should know that LDL is Lousy cholesterol and HDL is the happy cholesterol, keep the happy or garbage trucks high and lousy or garbage cans low.


How often should I get my cholesterol checked?

I recommend every 3 months if not at least every 6 months and keep a log of it.


My Cholesterol is low so I do not have to worry, correct?

Wrong. 80% of patients who develop heart disease have normal cholesterol levels or low cholesterol levels.


Then what should I do to find out more about Cholesterol and my risks for developing Heart disease?



What is advanced lipid profile?

It is a special test not routinely done in most Doctors offices. This test gives you more detailed information about your cholesterol and the size of cholesterol and the true bad cholesterol in your blood along with some of the known genetic factors.


Who should get it?

Everyone should get the advanced test at least once.


Do all the labs do the test or where do I go to get it done?

There are three major labs doing the tests. 1) VAP, 2) NMR and 3) BERKLEY HEART LABS routinely perform these tests. There are other smaller laboratories, but are not well known. You can ask your Doctor which lab he is comfortable with and if he does not recommend it or know of it or does not do it then GO FIND A DOCTOR WHO DOES IT.


Why is it so important that I get this test done?

Well if you do not know what abnormalities you have in your lab results that can cause plaque and heart disease, then how are you going to take preventive steps or how are you going to treat the problem.


Which lab do you use?

I routinely do BERKLEY HEART LABS. Reason being, I have been doing this test on my patient for about 12 years. I like the lab because they are very particular about quality control and all the samples are processed at one lab in California. They also give additional Genetic information which the other two labs above do not offer.


If my cholesterol is low what abnormalities should I be looking for and why?

  • If your LDL is 110 how much of it is big in size and how much of it is small in size?
  • How much of the bad Cholesterol is truly bad?
  • Do you have the deadly Cholesterol called Lp (a) which puts you at a very high risk for Heart disease and Strokes?
  • If your HDL is 45 how much of it is large in size and how much of it is small in size? Do you want large garbage trucks or small garbage trucks?
  • Do you have a gene that puts you at a very high risk for Alzhiemers and heart disease?
  • Is your Vitamin D level normal?
  • Do you have a gene that helps you respond to cholesterol medications well?
  • Is the protein that makes the good Cholesterol low?
  • What is your Uric acid level?
  • Do you have any inflammation in your arteries?
  • Is there any stress or strain on your Heart?
  • What is your fasting Insulin and blood sugar along with HbA1C?
  • What is your C reactive protein level and What is the level of Lp Pla2 which is the marker for inflammation?
  • What is your Fibrinogen level?
  • What is your level of TSH?







Start eating Reddy Bread Products which contain Omega Fats from Flaxseed which will help lower your cholesterol levels.