Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More About the HbA1C TEST

What is HbA1C and why do we do the test?

It is a test that measures the amount of sugar attached to the hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in blood. It is present in RBC (Red Blood Cells). Glucose binds to hemoglobin when new RBC’s are formed. The percentage of hemoglobin molecules that contain glucose provides an estimate of average blood sugar over 3 months. This test is only a measure of average blood sugar.

What should my HbA1C be?

Less than 5


Because the average HbA1C in a non diabetic is 4 TO 4.5%

What should a diabetic aim to have as a HbA1C?

Less than 5

But The American Diabetes Association says HbA1C should be <7?

6-7 is border line and < 6 is OK. If normal people should be less than 5, then why should a diabetic be around or above 5

What is borderline diabetes mellitus?

In my book, there is no borderline .Either you are a diabetic or you are not. Did you hear of borderline pregnant?

What does HbA1C predict?

Your risk of diabetic complications like heart disease, strokes, kidney failure, blindness, dementia, circulation problems, impotence

If it is high, what does it mean?

That your diabetes mellitus is out of control and you are enjoying eating a lot of carbohydrates (sugar and starch)

Are there good carbs and bad carbs?

They are all bad

How often should I check my HbA1C?

Every 3 months

Why is it going up?

If you are eating a lot of sugar, starch and not taking your medications correctly, it is likely to increase

How do I bring it down?

1. See your doctor

2. Quit sugar and starch

3. Exercise

4. Take your medications correctly

5. Keep a log of your daily blood sugar

6. You can also add Reddy Bread as a part of your daily diet to help control blood sugars.

What does it mean if my HbAIC is 10 and has been like that for some time?

That you are a moron and you have no respect for yourself, that you are a irresponsible and not a reliable individual who is incapable of taking care of his or her own health and well being, let alone the family. Not to mention the damage you are causing to your own body, from head to toe. Keep eating sugar, starch and don’t complain when your health goes down.

What causes a deceptive low level of HbA1C?

High doses of vitamin C and E

What is my HbA1C ?

Do not ask me, ask your doctor.Go and find out. Take control of your health!

Can I check it at home like I check my blood sugar ?

Yes, Food and Drug Association (FDA) approved Metrika A1C Now. This monitor is available, uses a drop of blood, and it is the size of a deck of cards (http://www.metrika/.com)

If HbA1C is high but random blood sugars are normal or within range, what should I do?

Take all the readings and show it to your doctor. Something is wrong. It could be the lab.

Elevated blood sugar may take 24 hrs to have any long term effect on HbA1C . So if your blood sugar is elevated for a few hours after a meal, your HbA1C may not be affected but the damage to your eyes, kidneys, nerves and other tissues continues. It is the slow cooking process of diabetes from head to toe and each meal adds fuel to fire.

What is the average blood sugar in healthy people ?


What is yours?

Non diabetic men with fasting blood sugar of 87 mg/dl or more had progressively increased risk of developing diabetes than those with values of less than 81 mg/dl. ( New England Of Journal Medicine)

Over a period of 22 years, the risk of cardiac death was 40% greater for those with fasting blood sugar > 85mg/dl. (Diabetes Care)

Non diabetics showed a 28% increase in mortality for every 1% increase in HbA1C above 4.9%

How to calculate mean plasma glucose ?
(35.6 x HbA1C ) -77.3 ( Diabetes Care)

My HbA1C is 6.5. What does it mean?
It means your average blood sugar is 154.

Your goal should be to have a blood sugar less than 90 (preferably less than 85) and HbA1C less than 5. See chart below

If you eat food and your blood sugar does not increase more than 10 mg/dl at 1 and 2 hrs, then you probably will never develop adult onset diabetes mellitus (AODM), obesity or complications from diabetes mellitus. That would be the REDDY DIET.

Go and find out what your fasting blood sugar and HbA1C are.

Change your diet. Eat responsibly. Love, respect and take care of yourself.

Sugar and starch make you gain weight even if you exercise.

Lentils and beans contain more starch than protein.



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