Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What should I eat?

What should I eat?

What should I eat, if I should not eat sugar (S) starch (S) and saturated (S) fat?

Anything that does not have Sugar Starch and Saturated fat. If you are a Hunter-gatherer there will not be any S, S, S In your diet. That is how we evolved. Now we make everything with S, S, and S.

Meat, can I eat meat?

Yes, meat has never shown to kill people prematurely. Meat has no Sugar or Starch and if you eat lean meat your intake of Saturated fat is very low.

Can I eat red meat?

Yes, as long as you eat lean meat?

How much meat can I eat?

Eat meat as a side dish.

Are spices Ok in our food?


What about salt?

As little as possible. Preferably 2,000 mg a day or less.

What are the bad “S”?

Sugar, Starch, Salt, Saturated fat, Smoking, Sleep apnea, Sedentary life, Stress

What about water?

That Is the only liquid one should consume. No soft drinks, and stop drinking milk after a certain age. Every glass of milk gives you hundred calories and a lot of sugar. If you need vitamin D and Calcium, take tablets every day.

Why should I eat eggs?

Egg is the only complete food, except for Vitamin C. It is the only food that is of Life, for Life, with Life, In Life that gives Life, sustains Life. It Is a Life force. Have you ever see a chick complain it is missing something? Eat eggs with yolk every day and make sure your children are eating at least 2 eggs every day. It is excellent for keeping your eyes, brain, muscles healthy, decreases inflammation, helps lose weight and has no “Sugar” and “Starch”.

What about cholesterol in eggs?

Eighty percent of it is not absorbed, and eggs have not been shown to cause heart disease.

Is avocados fatty and can we eat it?

It is the only fruit I recommend, since it is high in fiber, potassium, good fats, no cholesterol and good source of nutrients and minerals, does not raise your blood sugar since It Is low in sugar and starch.

Yes, it has a lot of calories, but calories are not the cause for weight gain, it is sugar and starch that cause all the misery.

What about nuts?

Excellent source of calories, good fats, minerals and nutrients. Eat any type of nuts every day except cashews. Cashews have sugar.

Should I eat vegetables?

Yes, six out of six cows agree that vegetables are good for you. They are low in sugars and starches, good source of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and low in calories. We can eat any vegetable except, beets, carrots, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn as most of these contain either high concentrations of Starch or Sugar or both.

What about Fruits?

Fruits contain high concentrations of Sugar and better not to consume any fruits except avocados.

How about bread?

Bread is normally made of starch and it is not recommended. It is difficult for Indians to stay away from bread, nan or chapatti. Because of this, I developed a new bread (Reddy Bread), and it is the only bread which is zero in sugars and cholesterol, low carb, gluten free, high in fiber, protein and good fats. It is made of soy and flax. This bread will not raise blood sugars or cholesterol and also helps with weight loss. It is excellent for people with adult onset diabetes or if you are trying to lose weight or prevent diabetes.

How should we eat and what?

Eat everything, eat small portions, eat frequently, chew like a cow, eat meat as a side dish with every meal including eggs. Decrease the intake of carbohydrates (Starch & Sugar) and saturated fats; drink a lot of water. Try not eat after 6.30 PM.

Eat 80% vegetables, nuts, and avocados and 20% eggs with yolk and lean meats and fish. Spices are ok, decrease salt. Every week practice the 80, 20 rule. 80% of the time eat healthy, and 20% of the time eat whatever you want. Friday night and all day Saturday you can eat what you like and on Sunday AM go back to a healthy diet. That way you can still enjoy the pleasures of a bad unhealthy food.


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