Thursday, February 25, 2010
Questions You May Have About Sugars And Protein In Your Diet
No honey. The only honey is your wife!
Although honey is a natural sweetener, there is no nutritional advantage to using honey over sugar. The nutrient content of honey is same as sugar. There is no best sugar. Honey contains 60% fructose, the sweetest of monosaccharides (simple sugars) and 40% sucrose. Table sugar is sucrose (glucose plus fructose). Fructose is sweeter than sucrose. Honey is denser, sweeter and has slightly more carbs than table sugar. Honey has the highest calorie content of all sugars with 65 calories per tablespoon, compared to the 48 calories per tablespoon found in table sugar.
Doctor, Your series is getting better and better. You have discussed carbohydrates, sugars, nuts etc. How about cheese and yogurt? There are different varieties of these and which one you recommend?
Cheese contains almost no carbohydrate, 20-30 percent protein and about 30-40 percent fat. 100 grams of cheese supplies half of our daily Vitamin A needs, most of our Vitamin B12 needs and 20 percent of our folate needs. 100 grams of cheese supplies all our daily calcium needs, nearly 50 percent of our zinc needs, 25 percent of our iodine requirements and 20 percent of our selenium needs. Due to its high fat and low carb content, cheese has a low glycemic index (GI) value. The healthiest types of cheese are those with a lowfat, low sugar content. In general, the harder the cheese, the higher the fat content, with the exception of cream cheese which has a very high fat content. Ideally choose low fat, low sugar cottage cheese or curd cheese.
Fat free cream cheese contains a fat content (lipids) 1.36g/100g and sugar content 0.4g/100g; cottage cheese fat content (lipids) 4.51g/100g, sugar content 0.29g/100g; low fat cottage cheese fat content (lipids) 1.02g/100g, sugar content 2.72g/100g.
Plain yogurt starts out with the same carb count as the milk its made from, but watch the label, as additives can change the number. Also, the bacteria in yogurt eats lactose, so depending upon how long its fermented, the actual carb count can be about 8 gms less per cup. Sugar is present in yogurt because of non fat milk powder (has high concentration of lactose) which is added in order to thicken it . Also the amount of time the yogurt is left to ferment, effects the amount of sugar in it. The longer the yogurt is kept warm, the more lactose the bacteria will dine upon. Lastly, the whey of the yogurt is the part that has the most lactose, so if that is strained, the yogurt becomes more healthy.
Strained yogurts, which include Greek yogurt, dahi, Bulgarian yogurt and yogurt of Lebanon are types of yogurt, which have less sugar and more protein per cup.
I have “gout” and cannot eat nuts as they give me joint pain. What alternate proteins do you suggest?
Animal proteins are higher in purines. Cutting back to smaller portions and using lean meat, white meat, poultry, and pork is good for gout. Even though vegetable proteins, such as legumes, have higher purine content, they do not lead to gout attacks. Kidney beans, lima bean, soya beans, lentils, eggs, and dairy products are good to start with but most beans contain a lot of starch. About 3 to 4 ounces - of fish such as salmon, tuna, halibut, catfish, shellfish - two or three times a week is recommended. Whey protein, peanut butter and tofu from soybean are also good.
I have 2 children and they are studying in school. Do they need sugar to be active and energetic at school?
No sugar is recommended for children. The human tongue has 60 receptors for different tastes. Guess how many receptors are for sugar? Just one. Once the child is exposed to sugar it takes control and leads to addiction. A study on rats was done by giving them Cocaine. They gave rats cocaine and made them addicted to it. Then they gave sugar to the rats, what do you think the rats did. Yes, they gave up cocaine and went after sugar. That’s how addicting sugar is.
Doctor, I stopped using sugar in tea and coffee about 5 years back and I am using “Splenda” as it is advertised that it is made from sugar. Is Splenda recommended? If not, is there any other sugar substitutes that you recommend?
Currently, I would not recommend Splenda routinely. It will be discussed in future articles. I have a patient who started using Splenda. He came back and was concerned because his symptoms of depression had come back. He gave up Splenda and his symptoms improved. He went back on Splenda his symptoms came back. His question was, should I take Splenda and start back on Prozac or give up Splenda and give up Prozac? He gave up Splenda and Prozac.
Are your recommendations on food only for people with diabetes and cardiac problems? Do I need to avoid sugar even if my parents or I are not diabetic?
Eliminating sugar is for everybody. If you eat sugar, you will develop diabetes. If you are diabetic, you cannot control it.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
What You Should Know About Testing for Diabetes Mellitus & How to Control It
Talking to your friends is not going to help. Find a Primary Care Doctor and make an effort to go see the Doctor.
Note: 25% of new onset diabetes mellitus already have micro vascular disease. That means small vessel disease involving eyes, kidney and nerves. What this means is that they have had the complications of the disease for the last 4-7 yrs before the diagnosis.
What tests should I have my Doctor run?
FBS Fasting Blood sugar, RPG random plasma glucose, OGTT Oral glucose tolerance test, HbA1C, Hemoglobin A1C.
What is fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ?
Blood sample drawn when you are fasting for at least 12 hrs. Normal is if blood sugar is less than 90. If more than 110 you are going to develop Diabetes.
What is random plasma glucose (RPG)?
You do not have to fast. It is a random blood sample drawn in your Doctors office. The level should be less than 125.
What is oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)?
This test is done in the lab where you have to go in fasting and you are given a sugar load to drink and your blood sugar is checked fasting, after one hour and after 2 hours by drawing your blood.
What is HbA1C ?
See the previous article on this topic.
Can I just check my blood sugar by using my dad’s finger stick machine?
Yes, but if abnormal, Capillary blood glucose meters (finger sticks) should be confirmed with blood draw (lab testing).
Normal Abnormal Treatment
FPG <90mg/dl>90mg/dl >110mg/dl
RPG <125>125 >125
HbA1C <5.5>5.5 >6

You just have been diagnosed with diabetes. The questions that should go through your mind are as follows.
Why is this happening to me?
Because you have been eating Sugar and Starch all your life thinking it is the correct food to eat.
How will it affect me?
Now you have a life long partner. I have a family, I have money. Now you can proudly say I have diabetes. Your family and money may leave you. But your diabetes will always be with you, growing with every meal, eating you up from inside.
Is diabetes self managed?
You have to constantly work with it to control it. If not, it will eat you up.
Should I be serious about diabetes mellitus?
If not, you will be seriously ill and poor. Either you control diabetes mellitus or let diabetes control you.
Learn about the disease, its medications and tests. Learn about yourself and how diabetes mellitus affect you. You can maintain it if you work hard, learn and get support.
1st stage - Diagnosis of borderline Diabetes is made.
2nd stage - You are advised to go on Diet and exercise
3rd stage - Since you continue eat starch and sugar now you have moved up to Diet, exercise and a pill.
4th stage - As you continue to live on Sugar and Starch you will now be on Diet, exercise, 2-3 pills
5th stage – This is the stage most patients do not like and that is Diet, exercise, pills and insulin.
6th stage - Diet, exercise, insulin. Why, because you have stopped making insulin and are now dependant on insulin.
By now you are fully cooked. You are ripened for
• Eye doctor
• Nerve doctor
• Heart doctor
• Kidney doctor
• General surgery
• Family doctor
• Hospital and drug companies
Your toes, legs, kidneys are all gone.
You can stop all this by giving up sugars and starches TODAY.
NOTE: Patients with Diabetes are twice likely to develop depression.
What is the 1st step to take?
Learn about diet and quit sugar/starch.
Can I avoid or slow down the complications?
• Quit sugar and starch.
• Start exercise, lose weight.
• Control your blood pressure, decrease cholesterol
• Stress management and take medications if needed
• Foot care
• See a eye doctor regularly
• See you Primary care doctor every 3 months
• Regular monitoring of blood sugar
Don’t ever go to your Doctor and tell your doctor that you do not like medications .That they are all chemicals.
Have you ever wondered what your food is?
Is it any different than chemicals?
Please listen to your Doctor and take his/her advise on medications and regular follow up visits.
If you treat food like medication then why would you need a Doctor?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
More About the HbA1C TEST
It is a test that measures the amount of sugar attached to the hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in blood. It is present in RBC (Red Blood Cells). Glucose binds to hemoglobin when new RBC’s are formed. The percentage of hemoglobin molecules that contain glucose provides an estimate of average blood sugar over 3 months. This test is only a measure of average blood sugar.
What should my HbA1C be?
Less than 5
Because the average HbA1C in a non diabetic is 4 TO 4.5%
What should a diabetic aim to have as a HbA1C?
Less than 5
But The American Diabetes Association says HbA1C should be <7?
6-7 is border line and < 6 is OK. If normal people should be less than 5, then why should a diabetic be around or above 5
What is borderline diabetes mellitus?
In my book, there is no borderline .Either you are a diabetic or you are not. Did you hear of borderline pregnant?
What does HbA1C predict?
Your risk of diabetic complications like heart disease, strokes, kidney failure, blindness, dementia, circulation problems, impotence
If it is high, what does it mean?
That your diabetes mellitus is out of control and you are enjoying eating a lot of carbohydrates (sugar and starch)
Are there good carbs and bad carbs?
They are all bad
How often should I check my HbA1C?
Every 3 months
Why is it going up?
If you are eating a lot of sugar, starch and not taking your medications correctly, it is likely to increase
How do I bring it down?
1. See your doctor
2. Quit sugar and starch
3. Exercise
4. Take your medications correctly
5. Keep a log of your daily blood sugar
6. You can also add Reddy Bread as a part of your daily diet to help control blood sugars.
What does it mean if my HbAIC is 10 and has been like that for some time?
That you are a moron and you have no respect for yourself, that you are a irresponsible and not a reliable individual who is incapable of taking care of his or her own health and well being, let alone the family. Not to mention the damage you are causing to your own body, from head to toe. Keep eating sugar, starch and don’t complain when your health goes down.
What causes a deceptive low level of HbA1C?
High doses of vitamin C and E
What is my HbA1C ?
Do not ask me, ask your doctor.Go and find out. Take control of your health!
Can I check it at home like I check my blood sugar ?
Yes, Food and Drug Association (FDA) approved Metrika A1C Now. This monitor is available, uses a drop of blood, and it is the size of a deck of cards (http://www.metrika/.com)
If HbA1C is high but random blood sugars are normal or within range, what should I do?
Take all the readings and show it to your doctor. Something is wrong. It could be the lab.
Elevated blood sugar may take 24 hrs to have any long term effect on HbA1C . So if your blood sugar is elevated for a few hours after a meal, your HbA1C may not be affected but the damage to your eyes, kidneys, nerves and other tissues continues. It is the slow cooking process of diabetes from head to toe and each meal adds fuel to fire.
What is the average blood sugar in healthy people ?
What is yours?
Non diabetic men with fasting blood sugar of 87 mg/dl or more had progressively increased risk of developing diabetes than those with values of less than 81 mg/dl. (
Over a period of 22 years, the risk of cardiac death was 40% greater for those with fasting blood sugar > 85mg/dl. (Diabetes Care)
Non diabetics showed a 28% increase in mortality for every 1% increase in HbA1C above 4.9%
How to calculate mean plasma glucose ?
(35.6 x HbA1C ) -77.3 ( Diabetes Care)
My HbA1C is 6.5. What does it mean?
It means your average blood sugar is 154.
Your goal should be to have a blood sugar less than 90 (preferably less than 85) and HbA1C less than 5. See chart below

If you eat food and your blood sugar does not increase more than 10 mg/dl at 1 and 2 hrs, then you probably will never develop adult onset diabetes mellitus (AODM), obesity or complications from diabetes mellitus. That would be the REDDY DIET.
Go and find out what your fasting blood sugar and HbA1C are.
Change your diet. Eat responsibly. Love, respect and take care of yourself.
Sugar and starch make you gain weight even if you exercise.
Lentils and beans contain more starch than protein.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Oatmeal- Good or Bad for You??
Oatmeal is good for you. It causes weight gain and helps in developing diabetes because it is an excellent source of starch. Diabetes is a slow cooking disease process cooking the whole body (from head to toes ) and it is affected by every meal. Diabetes is the fire and oatmeal is one of the fuels which keeps it burning. The more you eat the more well done you will be.
Patient: I am still confused about your findings regarding eating oatmeal….After my appointment yesterday, this became a topic of debate with a few of my friends…still hasn’t been resolved. This is one article I found…Any further info. I can debate with all my friends, your comments are welcomed. Thanks
Patient: While it may not be the tastiest thing you can eat, oatmeal definitely has some great nutritional qualities.
Dr Reddy: Yes, no doubt about it. It’s an excellent source of starch. Eating it would certainly help in developing obesity and diabetes. Ask yourself, why would you eat it every day even when it is not tasty, because it has starch and it is addicting.
Patient: You may have noticed that many of the oatmeal brands are now boasting that eating more oatmeal will help lower your cholesterol level. That’s because oatmeal is loaded with soluble fiber which helps reduce blood cholesterol by flushing those bad digestive acids out of your system.
Dr Reddy: Correct, but they do not talk about starch and the significant possibility of obesity and diabetes.
Patient: The best kind of oatmeal to eat is unsweetened and unflavored. While I know it’s tempting to select the apples and cinnamon flavor and load it with butter and sugar—you really lose out on all the health benefits. If you must sweeten your bowl of oatmeal, do so by adding fruit.
Dr Reddy: Excellent, that way you can really increase your blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol especially if you add butter, along with weight gain. Being big is beautiful, that is the goal anyway, right?
Patient: I eat mine with a spoonful of honey (much better for you than sugar) and a handful of raisins or dried cranberries.
Dr Reddy: You can not ask for anything better. Imagine how all the good sugar and starch will help you reach your goal of obesity and diabetes much faster.
Patient: Oatmeal is also beneficial in fighting colon cancer and heart disease.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What should I eat?
What should I eat?
What should I eat, if I should not eat sugar (S) starch (S) and saturated (S) fat?
Anything that does not have Sugar Starch and Saturated fat. If you are a Hunter-gatherer there will not be any S, S, S In your diet. That is how we evolved. Now we make everything with S, S, and S.
Meat, can I eat meat?
Yes, meat has never shown to kill people prematurely. Meat has no Sugar or Starch and if you eat lean meat your intake of Saturated fat is very low.
Can I eat red meat?
Yes, as long as you eat lean meat?
How much meat can I eat?
Eat meat as a side dish.
Are spices Ok in our food?
What about salt?
As little as possible. Preferably 2,000 mg a day or less.
What are the bad “S”?
Sugar, Starch, Salt, Saturated fat, Smoking, Sleep apnea, Sedentary life, Stress
What about water?
That Is the only liquid one should consume. No soft drinks, and stop drinking milk after a certain age. Every glass of milk gives you hundred calories and a lot of sugar. If you need vitamin D and Calcium, take tablets every day.
Why should I eat eggs?
Egg is the only complete food, except for Vitamin C. It is the only food that is of Life, for Life, with Life, In Life that gives Life, sustains Life. It Is a Life force. Have you ever see a chick complain it is missing something? Eat eggs with yolk every day and make sure your children are eating at least 2 eggs every day. It is excellent for keeping your eyes, brain, muscles healthy, decreases inflammation, helps lose weight and has no “Sugar” and “Starch”.
What about cholesterol in eggs?
Eighty percent of it is not absorbed, and eggs have not been shown to cause heart disease.
Is avocados fatty and can we eat it?
It is the only fruit I recommend, since it is high in fiber, potassium, good fats, no cholesterol and good source of nutrients and minerals, does not raise your blood sugar since It Is low in sugar and starch.
Yes, it has a lot of calories, but calories are not the cause for weight gain, it is sugar and starch that cause all the misery.
What about nuts?
Excellent source of calories, good fats, minerals and nutrients. Eat any type of nuts every day except cashews. Cashews have sugar.
Should I eat vegetables?
Yes, six out of six cows agree that vegetables are good for you. They are low in sugars and starches, good source of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and low in calories. We can eat any vegetable except, beets, carrots, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn as most of these contain either high concentrations of Starch or Sugar or both.
What about Fruits?
Fruits contain high concentrations of Sugar and better not to consume any fruits except avocados.
How about bread?
Bread is normally made of starch and it is not recommended. It is difficult for Indians to stay away from bread, nan or chapatti. Because of this, I developed a new bread (Reddy Bread), and it is the only bread which is zero in sugars and cholesterol, low carb, gluten free, high in fiber, protein and good fats. It is made of soy and flax. This bread will not raise blood sugars or cholesterol and also helps with weight loss. It is excellent for people with adult onset diabetes or if you are trying to lose weight or prevent diabetes.
How should we eat and what?
Eat everything, eat small portions, eat frequently, chew like a cow, eat meat as a side dish with every meal including eggs. Decrease the intake of carbohydrates (Starch & Sugar) and saturated fats; drink a lot of water. Try not eat after 6.30 PM.
Eat 80% vegetables, nuts, and avocados and 20% eggs with yolk and lean meats and fish. Spices are ok, decrease salt. Every week practice the 80, 20 rule. 80% of the time eat healthy, and 20% of the time eat whatever you want. Friday night and all day Saturday you can eat what you like and on Sunday AM go back to a healthy diet. That way you can still enjoy the pleasures of a bad unhealthy food.