Monday, April 26, 2010

Do You Have Sleep Apnea??

Ask Yourself These Questions:

If the answer is YES for one or several of the above questions, Chances are, you have Sleep Apnea! And a sleep study can confirm if you are at risk. In sleep apnea, your breathing stops or gets very shallow and your lungs don't get enough air. When this happens, the amount of oxygen in your blood may drop which leads to several complications:

Apnea is a Greek word which means "without breath". In sleep apnea, your breathing stops or gets very shallow and your lungs don't get enough air. When this happens, the amount of oxygen in your blood may drop which leads to several consequences.

Sleep apnea interrupts your sleep resulting to poor sleep quality which can make you very sleepy during the day. Sleep apnea is very common, as common as adult diabetes. Ask your doctor if you are at risk!

How heart disease became natural?

Question: Is heart disease a natural process for humans?

Answer: No. It is an unnatural disease created by eating unnatural foods.

By work of an angiogram, it has been proven that Hunters and Gatherers had clean arteries at the age of 80. Meanwhile, Modern Man develops plaque by the age of 50. It has been shown that even modern newborns have early fatty streaks. If hunters/ gatherers had no heart disease at a ripe old age and their kids, who evolved into modern man, start to develop plaque buildup by the age of 50, it suggests that it is more of an unnatural disease created by man eating the wrong kind of foods. We have evolved and created heart disease by eating an unnatural diet loaded with sugar, starch, and saturated fats, not to mention salt, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. Today, we think these are necessary for survival and cannot sacrifice them. The secret is to sacrifice the Seven S's that are sugar, starch, saturated fats, salt, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress.


Question: How did an unnatural diet become natural?

Answer: Nature gives food to us which are both addictive and non-addictive.

Both kinds are scarcely available. We, by help of intellect, have exploited the addicting foods by growing more grains and processing these grains to create sugar, starches, and saturated fats. In creating the full spectra of an unnatural diet and adapting to it, we have evolved to a point of accepting heart disease as a natural disease, and at this rate it is bound to affect everyone after a certain period of time.

Question: What should the goal be?

Answer: To live long and healthy lives without medication and to prevent and reverse heart disease. The secret to a long life is calories: the lack of them.

The total cholesterol levels for hunter-gatherers, wild primates, and wild animals, generally range from about 70 to 140mg/dl (corresponding to low-density lipoprotein levels of about 35 to 70mg/dl).
The mean cholesterol levels of modern Westernized humans are almost twice these normal values
(LDL of 130mg/dl). In modern human, atherosclerosis is present in up to 50% by age 50. In contrast, hunter-gatherer population showed no evidence for atherosclerosis even in the 8th decade of life.


Hunters and gatherers usually had average cholesterol of 110 and a calorie intake of less than 1400 calories a day. They were physically active with low stress levels, and their diet did not constitute any sugar, starch, saturated fat, or salt.

Question: Can we live to be 100 and lead a normal, healthy life without medication?

Answer: Yes. Look around. We do not see anyone over 40 who are not on any medication. How did this happen? How can one live without medication? By giving up the seven sins: the Seven S's (sugar, starch, saturated fats, salt, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress). By comparison, a modern man has blocked arteries by the age of 50, newborn kids have fatty streaks as early as day #1, and the normal modern adult consumes more than 3000 calories, most of which are empty calories predominantly coming from sugars, starches, and saturated fats. In addition, he tends to spice up these empty calories with salt and also enjoys smoking and leading a very sedentary lifestyle. The problem is that we have hundreds of different choices of bad foods. We go to dieticians and they put us on a diet by narrowing those hundreds of choices down to ten. But how can you expect to do well when your initial choices are already unhealthy?


Which one will you choose?

Most people have the impression that foods like fruit, cereal, skim milk, rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, brown rice, and moderate meat and alcohol consumption are all good for you. But if you look closely, most of those give you high levels of sugar, starch, and saturated fat.

Fruits? Nature gives us fruit. How can they be bad? Well, ask yourself, "What do fruits give us?"

The Basics About Cholesterol

Cholesterol, what do I need to know?

Know that cholesterol is good and bad. Why good, because we need it to survive. Why bad, because when the blood levels are too high due to bad cholesterol being elevated and good cholesterol being low it leads to medical problems.


What is a Lipid Profile?

It is a blood test that your doctor orders to see what your "Total Cholesterol" is along with HDL which is the Good Cholesterol also called Healthy cholesterol or Happy cholesterol or Garbage truck. "H" denotes healthy or happy.


Total cholesterol also gives you what your Triglycerides are. These are called fats in the blood, I call them the ugly Cholesterol. Triglycerides change with every meal. If you eat a lot of Sugar and Starch it will raise your triglycerides. That is why you are advised to go in after fasting for more than 12 hours to get your lipid profile done.


Total Cholesterol = HDL + LDL + TRIG/5


The LDL which is the bad cholesterol also called Lousy Cholesterol or Garbage can. The lower the LDL the longer you live. "L" denotes Lousy. The higher the HDL the longer you live. LOWER THE HDL AND HIGHER THE LDL IS BAD FOR YOU.




If my lab just shows Total Cholesterol and HDL what should I do?


Example: Total cholesterol of 200 and HDL of 30. Then 200 - 30 is 170. This is called the NON HDL. I would want that to be less than 100 preferably less than 80.


Next time when you are at your Doctor's office you need to look at the numbers yourself. You should know that LDL is Lousy cholesterol and HDL is the happy cholesterol, keep the happy or garbage trucks high and lousy or garbage cans low.


How often should I get my cholesterol checked?

I recommend every 3 months if not at least every 6 months and keep a log of it.


My Cholesterol is low so I do not have to worry, correct?

Wrong. 80% of patients who develop heart disease have normal cholesterol levels or low cholesterol levels.


Then what should I do to find out more about Cholesterol and my risks for developing Heart disease?



What is advanced lipid profile?

It is a special test not routinely done in most Doctors offices. This test gives you more detailed information about your cholesterol and the size of cholesterol and the true bad cholesterol in your blood along with some of the known genetic factors.


Who should get it?

Everyone should get the advanced test at least once.


Do all the labs do the test or where do I go to get it done?

There are three major labs doing the tests. 1) VAP, 2) NMR and 3) BERKLEY HEART LABS routinely perform these tests. There are other smaller laboratories, but are not well known. You can ask your Doctor which lab he is comfortable with and if he does not recommend it or know of it or does not do it then GO FIND A DOCTOR WHO DOES IT.


Why is it so important that I get this test done?

Well if you do not know what abnormalities you have in your lab results that can cause plaque and heart disease, then how are you going to take preventive steps or how are you going to treat the problem.


Which lab do you use?

I routinely do BERKLEY HEART LABS. Reason being, I have been doing this test on my patient for about 12 years. I like the lab because they are very particular about quality control and all the samples are processed at one lab in California. They also give additional Genetic information which the other two labs above do not offer.


If my cholesterol is low what abnormalities should I be looking for and why?

  • If your LDL is 110 how much of it is big in size and how much of it is small in size?
  • How much of the bad Cholesterol is truly bad?
  • Do you have the deadly Cholesterol called Lp (a) which puts you at a very high risk for Heart disease and Strokes?
  • If your HDL is 45 how much of it is large in size and how much of it is small in size? Do you want large garbage trucks or small garbage trucks?
  • Do you have a gene that puts you at a very high risk for Alzhiemers and heart disease?
  • Is your Vitamin D level normal?
  • Do you have a gene that helps you respond to cholesterol medications well?
  • Is the protein that makes the good Cholesterol low?
  • What is your Uric acid level?
  • Do you have any inflammation in your arteries?
  • Is there any stress or strain on your Heart?
  • What is your fasting Insulin and blood sugar along with HbA1C?
  • What is your C reactive protein level and What is the level of Lp Pla2 which is the marker for inflammation?
  • What is your Fibrinogen level?
  • What is your level of TSH?







Start eating Reddy Bread Products which contain Omega Fats from Flaxseed which will help lower your cholesterol levels.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Holidays-A Heart Attack Waiting to Happen


A 50 year old healthy male is a CEO of a big company. He leads a stressful life every day. He has no risk factors, no family history, and exercises regularly and has been taking cholesterol medications. He goes on a trip to India for 2 weeks. There he eats foods high in sugar, starch and bad fats everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He gets on the plane and flies to Houston. He gets back to his stressful work after a long trip. He attends a conference. Half way through the conference, he develops chest tightness. He has a heart attack and dies. He had a stress test done 3 weeks prior to going to India. What happened? How did a person with no risk factors who exercises regularly drop dead from a heart attack even after having a normal stress test 3 weeks ago?

In a normal artery, no plaque is formed. Therefore, stress test is normal.

2 weeks of constant eating of sugar, starch, and bad fat – causes inflammation in the arterial wall. It stimulates the growth of fats inside the plaque making it softer. In addition, plaque has a thin cap which is more likely to rupture.


He takes a transcontinental flight. Plaque is subjected to stress and gets destabilized due to change in time zone and disturbances in circadian rhythm.

He gets back to work. Subjected to more stress. THE PLAQUE CRACKS. Plaque contents pour out into the arterial lumen and make contact with the blood. Blood clot is formed which cuts off the blood supply to the heart muscle. This is when a heart attack happens!

This is a perfect picture of how diet, stress and inflammation cause plaque to become unstable, rupture and cause heart attack.

This could be one of the reasons why 40 % of all the heart attacks happen in the last 2 weeks of December and first 2 weeks of January. Celebrations and parties during these holidays make foods high in sugar and starch in the form of cookies, chocolates, ice creams and desserts readily available. The relative change in diet starting from Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year could explain the inflammation that triggers the plaque to rupture and lead to heart attack.




What is Cholesterol?

What is LDL?

L for lousy or bad cholesterol, you can call it garbage; GOAL: Less than 60

The most common cause for elevation of bad or lousy cholesterol is the combination of sugar, starch and saturated fat (the bad fat) in your diet. They make a big mess inside the artery by leaving their trash to pile up and form plaques. Keeping this in mind, a high LDL cholesterol increase your chances of developing heart disease and stroke.The lower the LDL, the longer you live.

Next question to ask is, If your LDL is 110, how much of it is big in size and how much of it is small in size?

LDL IIIa + IIIb represents the percentage of the intermediate size from the total number of LDL. Meanwhile, IVb shows the percentage of small dense LDL. Imagine the large fluffy LDL as rocks, the intermediate LDL as sand particles, and small dense LDL as fine salt. If I were to hold them in my hand, which do you think would go through my fingerseasily? Sand and salt will filter through my hand and fall down. Now imagine the same scenario where the artery is loaded with different LDL particle sizes. What happens to the intermediate and small dense particles of the LDL? They tend to filter through the vessel wall. This is dangerous because it makes the formation of plaque much faster. The combination of sugar and starch in your diet tend to make the bad cholesterol smaller in size. Your goal here should be less than 15%. Reddy Bread can help you achieve this goal.

What is Apo B? It is also referred to as the bad of the bad. B for bad.

It is the true representation of all the bad particles you have in your blood. You need to ask your doctor to check it.Goal is to keep it less than 60.

What raises Apo B?

Mostly Sugar, Starch and some bad fats - Saturated fats.

What are deadly fats in my diet?

They are also known as trans fats. Stay away from them.

Do you have the deadly cholesterol called Lp (a) which puts you at a very high risk for heart disease and strokes?

Lp (a) is inherited so it is important that everyone in your family get tested if your level is high. High levels of Lp (a) can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by promoting plaque and clot formation. It is so predictive of heart disease that it has been called "the heart attack cholesterol". Lp (a) alone can raise your risk of heart attack by as much as 70 percent. Your goal here should be less than 30.

If your HDL (also referred to as garbage trucks) is 45, how much of it is large in size and how much of it is small in size? Do you want large garbage trucks or small garbage trucks?

HDL 2b is the large fluffy one which has been associated with 'reverse cholesterol transport', meaning this is the particle that helps pick up the bad cholesterol from the plaques in the arteries and dumps it to the liver. The more large garbage trucks you have, the cleaner your arteries. HDL 2b helps accelerate reversal of heart disease. Your goal here should be more than 30 percent.

Do you have a gene that puts you at very high risk for Alzheimer's and heart disease?

If you have APO E4, you are certainly at high risk for developing Alzheimer's and heart disease. Avoiding sugar, starch and saturated fat in the diet can decrease your risk. YOU SHOULD NOT CONSUME ALCOHOL IF YOU ARE POSITIVE FOR APO E4 GENEOTYPE. IF YOU HAVE APO E2, THEN DRINKING A GLASS OF WINE OR DAILY CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IS HEART PROTECTIVE.

Is your vitamin D level normal?

GOAL: More than 30

The best way to get vitamin D is to either take vitamin D pills or expose your skin to the Sun for 10 to 20 minutes a day or 30 minutes on the week end. Check your vitamin D levels every 3 months. Keep your levels above 60, if possible. I will discuss Vitamin D in greater detail in subsequent articles.

Do you have a gene (KIF 6 GENE) that helps you respond to cholesterol medications well?

KIF 6 is the gene that determines your response to cholesterol medications. If you are KIF 6 positive, then you will respond well to cholesterol medications compared to the person who does not have the gene.

Is the protein that makes the good cholesterol low?

APO A1 is a protein produced in the liver and gut in which the good cholesterol is made from. It makes your garbage truck more efficient in cleaning the arteries. The higher your APO A1, the better it is. Low level of ApoA1 is associated with a diet high in sugars, starches and saturated fats which leads to early heart and blood vessel diseases.

Your goal should be more than 150.

What is your uric acid level?

Uric acid is a substance produced from the breakdown of proteins in the foods we eat. Overtime, too much uric acid in the blood can lead to the formation of needle- like crystals in the joints that causes gout. Most people with heart disease including those who died of it had high levels of uric acid. Studies have showed that even those uric acid levels that are not high enough to cause gout, can still lead to heart disease. Therefore, checking for uric acid levels is just as important. High uric acid levels are also found in other conditions such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol, high triglycerides), obesity and insulin resistance syndrome which are all known risk factors of heart disease. Changing your diet would help decrease it.

Your goal should be less than 7.

Do you have any inflammation in your arteries?

LpPLa2 is a test that specifically detects inflammations of the artery walls. It is a predictor of heart attack and stroke. Diet rich in sugar, starch and saturated fat increase LpPLA2 level. If there is sudden increase in your LpPLA2 that tells you that your diet for the past 6 months has been high in sugar, starch and saturated fat. Now, you have increased inflammation in your arterial wall. It signifies that there is a plaque somewhere ready to rupture and cause heart attack or stroke.

This could be one of the reasons why 40% of all the heart attacks happen in the last 2 weeks of December and first 2 weeks of January. The relative change in diet starting from Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year could explain the elevations in inflammatory markers. Celebrations and parties during these holidays make foods high in sugar and starch in the form of cookies, chocolates, ice creams and desserts readily available.

Your goal should be less than 150.

Is there any stress or strain on your heart?

BNP is a hormone that is released from the cells of the heart muscle in response to ongoing stress or strain in the heart. A high level is a warning signal that your heart is being overworked on a continual basis. It is usually seen in patients who have a weak heart, increased fluid retention, and people at risk for having heart attacks. By looking for the cause and correcting the cause, you can bring the BNP level back to normal. ALSO IF YOU HAVE SLEEP APNEA YOUR BNP IS ELEVATED. WE WILL TALK ABOUT SLEEP APNEA AT A LATER DATE. Sleep Apnea puts an enormous strain on the heart every night when you are sleeping.

Less than 120 pg/ml = normal.

More than 120 pg/ml = there is stress or strain on the heart

What is your fasting insulin and blood sugar along with HbA1C?

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to regulate blood glucose. It stimulates all of the cells in your body, especially in your muscles and liver, to open up and take glucose in and use it as energy for daily functions. When you eat a lot of sugars and starches, you flood your blood with a lot of glucose. Your body will react by releasing more insulin. Having high insulin all the time is bad. When your cells are constantly exposed to high levels of insulin, they develop resistance. Insulin resistance syndrome or metabolic syndrome increases your risk for several chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancers. Excessive eating of sugar and starch is the primary culprit in the development of insulin resistance. Eliminating these in your diet is the best way to stop its progression.

GOAL: Fasting insulin less than 10. Blood sugars less than 90. HbA1C less than 5.5

What is your C reactive protein level and what is the level of Lp Pla2 which is the marker for inflammation?

GOAL: C reactive protein less than 1.0. Lp PLA2 less than 150.

C reactive protein, also called CRP, is elevated if there is any inflammation in the body and that can include inflammation in the arteries. The Lp Pla2, also called PLAC test, is elevated if the is inflammation in the vessel wall. IT IS A SIGN THAT THERE IS A PLAQUE SOME WHERE IN THE ARTERIES THAT IS READY TO CRACK AND CAUSE A STROKE OR A HEART ATTACK. So ask for a PLAC test if your CRP is elevated.

What is your fibrinogen level?

GOAL: Should be less than 350

High levels of fibrinogen are an indication that you have some form of inflammation in your body and you are certainly at risk for increased blood clots. It is usually elevated in patients at risk for heart attacks or strokes and most patients with diabetes suggesting that diabetes is a inflammatory process and what keeps it burning? YES, A LOT OF SUGAR AND STARCH IN YOUR DIET.

What is your level of TSH?

GOAL: Less than 3.5.

If your TSH level is more than 5, you have hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid. If your TSH level is less than 0.1, you have hyperthyroidism or overactive Thyroid. If your TSH is high that certainly puts you at higher risk for heart disease.






Friday, March 12, 2010

The Forbidden Tree and the Tree of Misery

As you see above the foods listed in the "Forbidden Tree" lead one to the out comes listed in the "Tree of Misery". Reddy Bread (Dr. Reddy's Pita Bread and Dr. Reddy's Tortillas/Rotis) are not part of the "Forbidden Tree" and they help you control blood sugar and live a healthier life!

Questions Presented to Dr. Reddy and His Answers:

Q. I heard on the radio that there is a test called A1C for diabetics and it will give indications to show the patients the likelihood of heart attack.  Could you explain to this please (from M.S., Sugar Land, TX)

A. Yes. The answers can be found in article I wrote earlier in great detail about HbA1C (Hemoglobin A1C). HbA1C and A1C are the same. The article is listed on this blog itself.


Q. I have blood pressure of 105/70.  I do not have any other medical problems that I am aware. Could you please write a series on blood pressure? Which is the most reliable, convenient and affordable blood pressure monitoring system that I can purchase for home use? (from K.A., Dallas,TX.)

A. I will be doing a series on blood pressure in the next couple of weeks where I will discuss issures pertaining to blood pressure in detail. Please stay tooned.


Q. I am 50 and my Cholesterol is 145 and HDL is above the recommended numbers.  I have done my annual cardiac test including stress test and is normal.  Ultrasound indicates minor plaque formation on the neck artery and I am taking "Crestor".  I get minor chest pain, sometimes on the right and other times on the left, but will go away in a minute or so.. (not severe).  Is this something needs to be worried? Please advise (from E.R. White Plains)

A. If the chest pain comes and goes and is mostly on the right side, lasts only a few seconds to a minute, is usually sharp or dull in nature and not associated with any difficulty in breathing, and does appear upon exertion, then ignore the symptom. I will be starting a article on cholesterol and the best way to reverse plaque. Please stay toned.


Q. I am lactose intolerant, but can take yogurt.  Is there any other milk product that is lactose free? (from M.G, Dallas, TX)

A. If you are lactose intolerant, you can have soy or almond milk, but be sure to choose the unsweetened milk.


Q. I read that you recommend using avocados.  But recently heard that the "Mexican" avocados contain a poisonous chemical and is not ideal.  I noticed that there are some small avocados available too.  Is one avocado better than other? (from S.R., Philadelphia)

A. I am currently not aware of any poisonous chemicals being used in avocados. There is no big difference in the nutritional quality between different avocados. I personally think the smaller ones taste better. Avocados, I think, taste even better when eaten with Dr Reddy's Pitas or Tortillas (Roti).

Questions Presented to Dr. Reddy and His Answers:

Q. I heard on the radio that there is a test called A1C for diabetics and it will give indications to show the patients the likelihood of heart attack.  Could you explain to this please (from M.S., Sugar Land, TX)


A. Yes. The answers can be found in article I wrote earlier in great detail about HbA1C (Hemoglobin A1C). HbA1C and A1C are the same. The article is listed on this blog itself.


Q. I have blood pressure of 105/70.  I do not have any other medical problems that I am aware. Could you please write a series on blood pressure? Which is the most reliable, convenient and affordable blood pressure monitoring system that I can purchase for home use? (from K.A., Dallas,TX.)


A. I will be doing a series on blood pressure in the next couple of weeks where I will discuss issures pertaining to blood pressure in detail. Please stay tooned.


Q. I am 50 and my Cholesterol is 145 and HDL is above the recommended numbers.  I have done my annual cardiac test including stress test and is normal.  Ultrasound indicates minor plaque formation on the neck artery and I am taking "Crestor".  I get minor chest pain, sometimes on the right and other times on the left, but will go away in a minute or so.. (not severe).  Is this something needs to be worried? Please advise (from E.R. White Plains)


A. If the chest pain comes and goes and is mostly on the right side, lasts only a few seconds to a minute, is usually sharp or dull in nature and not associated with any difficulty in breathing, and does appear upon exertion, then ignore the symptom. I will be starting a article on cholesterol and the best way to reverse plaque. Please stay toned.


Q. I am lactose intolerant, but can take yogurt.  Is there any other milk product that is lactose free? (from M.G, Dallas, TX)


A. If you are lactose intolerant, you can have soy or almond milk, but be sure to choose the unsweetened milk.


Q. I read that you recommend using avocados.  But recently heard that the "Mexican" avocados contain a poisonous chemical and is not ideal.  I noticed that there are some small avocados available too.  Is one avocado better than other? (from S.R., Philadelphia)


A. I am currently not aware of any poisonous chemicals being used in avocados. There is no big difference in the nutritional quality between different avocados. I personally think the smaller ones taste better. Avocados, I think, taste even better when eaten with Dr Reddy's Pitas or Tortillas (Roti).

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


What do I need to know about Cholesterol?
As a patient, you should know that Cholesterol is good and bad. Why good, because we need it to
survive. Why bad, because when the blood levels are too high due to
bad cholesterol being elevated and good Cholesterol being low it leads
to medical problems.

What is a Lipid Profile?
It is a blood test that your doctor orders to see what your Total
Cholesterol is along with HDL, which is the Good Cholesterol also called
Healthy cholesterol or Happy cholesterol or Garbage truck. H stands for
healthy or happy. The lipid profile also provides information on your Triglycerides levels. These
are called fats in the blood. I call them the ugly Cholesterol.
Triglycerides change with every meal. If you eat a lot of Sugar and
Starch it will raise your triglycerides. That is why you are advised to
go in after fasting for more than 12 hours to get your lipid profile
done. Total Cholesterol = HDL + LDL + TRIG/5. The LDL which are the bad
cholesterol also called Lousy Cholesterol or Garbage can. The lower the
LDL the longer you live. The higher the HDL the longer you live. THE
**Reddy Bread can help you achieve these goals**

If my lab just shows Total Cholesterol and HDL what should I do?
of 200 and HDL of 30. Then 200 - 30 is 170. This is called the NON HDL.
I would want that to be less than 100 preferably less than 80.

Next time when you are at your Doctor’s office, you need to look at the
numbers yourself and should know that LDL is lousy cholesterol and HDL is the
happy cholesterol. Keep the happy or garbage trucks high and lousy or garbage
cans low.

How often should I get my cholesterol checked?
I recommend every 3 months if not, at least every 6 months and keep a
log of it.

My Cholesterol is low so I do not have to worry, correct?
Wrong. 80% of patients who develop heart disease have normal
cholesterol levels or low cholesterol levels.

Then what should I do to find out more about Cholesterol and my risks
for developing Heart disease?

What is an advanced lipid profile?
It is a special test not routinely done in most Doctors offices. This
test gives you more detailed information about your Cholesterol and the
size of cholesterol and the true bad cholesterol in your blood along
with some of the known Genetic factors.

Who should get it?
Every one should get the advanced test at least once.

Do all the labs do the test or is there a specific place to get the advanced lipid profile done?
There are three major labs doing the tests.

ARE NOT WELL KNOWN. You can ask your Doctor which lab he/she is comfortable
with and if he does not recommend it or know of it or does not do it

Why is it so important that I get this test done?
Well if you do not know what abnormalities you have in your labs that
can cause plaque and heart disease then how are you going to take
preventive steps or how are you going to treat the problem.

Which lab do you use?
I routinely do BERKLEY HEART LABS. Reason being, I have been doing this
test on my patients for about 12 years. I like the lab because they are
very particular about quality control and all the samples are processed
at one lab in California. They also give additional Genetic information
which the other two labs do not offer.

If my cholesterol is low what abnormalities should I be looking for and
If your LDL is 110 how much of it is big in size and how much of it is
small in size?

How much of the bad Cholesterol is truly bad?

Do you have the deadly Cholesterol called Lp (a) which puts you at a
very high risk for Heart disease and Strokes?

If your HDL is 45 how much of it is large in size and how much of it is
small in size? Do you want large garbage trucks or small garbage trucks?

Do you have a gene that puts you at a very high risk for Alzheimer’s and
heart disease?

Is your Vitamin D level normal?

Do you have a gene that helps you respond to cholesterol medications

Is the protein that makes the good Cholesterol low?

What is your Uric acid level?

Do you have any inflammation in your arteries?

Is there any stress or strain on your Heart?

What is your fasting Insulin and blood sugar along with HbA1C?

What is your C reactive protein level and what is the level of Lp Pla2
which is the marker for inflammation?

What is your Fibrinogen level?

What is your level of TSH?



Monday, March 8, 2010

I Want To Be Fat, Die Early, and Pay Dearly Before I Leave




How do I become fat?
By eating sugar and starch. Starch becomes sugar which becomes fat in the body.

How do I get Diabetes Mellitus like my parents?
By eating sugar and starch you develop insulin resistance and then develop diabetes.

If I want to have high blood pressure, what should I eat?
Eat a lot of sugar and starch which causes weight gain and fluid retension.

If I eat foods high in fat, will I gain weight?
You cannot gain weight by doing that, the only way to do this is by eating sugar and starch.

What should I do to gain weight?
Eat a lot of sugar and starch.

Will I ever get tired of eating foods with sugar and starch?
You never will, the reason being you are addicted to them. That is why they are the comfort foods. You never get tired of them. When you stop you go into withdrawal. They are more addicting than cocaine, alcohol and smoking and the beauty is they are accepted by society.

What foods with give me comfort?
Eating foods with sugar and starch. Try solving a complicated math problem after eating a lot of starch.

How do I develop dementia?
By eating sugar and starch.

How do I make my good cholesterol low and my triglycerides are high?
By eating too much sugar and starch.

How can I get all the complications of Diabetes Mellitus?
By eating too much sugar and starch. Sugar causes damage to the lining in kidneys and eyes. Also damages the nerves and decreases the immunity which in turn puts you at risk for cancers and infections. Diabetes is the mother of all diseases. It is like the slow cooking process involving the whole body, from head to toe.

How can I become fat and walk like a pregnant male as though I am carrying an elephant’s baby?
By eating too much sugar and starch, Carbohydrates get converted into fat and stored in the belly. That is the sign of insulin resistance which leads to cancers, dementia, strokes and heart attacks along with sleep apnea. Excellent

How can I make the doctors and hospitals love me?
By eating all the sugar and starch and ruining your health. You are their golden goose.

How can I make the hospitals rich?
By developing diabetes and its complications, by eating sugar and starch. You are laying golden eggs for the hospital and pharmaceutical companies.

What is the best way I can decrease my immunity and get sick a lot?
Eating a lot of sugar and starch. Elevated blood sugar makes the white blood cells, which fight infection, impotent which in turn leads to decreased immunity.

What is the best way I can destroy my friends?
Feed them sugar and starch and give them chocolates as gifts.

How can I make sure my kids develop Diabetes Mellitus?
By feeding them a lot of sugar and starch.

How can I ruin my health?
Ruin your health by eating sugar and starch.

How can I keep the economy humming?
By eating a lot of sugar and starch.

What foods make me fat?
Eat a lot of bad fat which is saturated fat and trans fats that way along with sugar and starch you can really destroy your health and family.

How do I get out of an arranged marriage?
Eat a lot of sugar and starch so you can get fat and ugly

Are fruits bad for me?
No they are the best source of sugars so you can get fat.

Is skinny beautiful?
No, being fat is beautiful.

How do I get rid of my neighbor’s dog and cat?
Feed it a lot of sugar and starch, do not forget chocolates they love it. They will never bark again.
Should I drink water?
Never make that mistake, always drink juices and soft drinks, that way you can gain weight.

Every once in a while should I eat healthy food?
Are you nuts, do not ever feed your friends and family nuts, they are healthy.

I love my doctor, I want to sit in his waiting room for 4 hrs and read up on all the old magazines and pay him a co-pay, what should I do?
That is a very noble question, eat a lot of sugar and starch that way you get to see him more often.

How do I snore like a pig and piss my wife off?
Then get fat by eating a lot of sugar and starch.

How come the truth hurts?
Do not let it bother you, eat more sugar and starch it will comfort you.

How do I get my kids to become cute and plump?
Feed them sugar and starch.

How do I get my pregnant wife to develop gestational Diabetes Mellitus, so she can take insulin?
Feed her 5 to 8 servings of fruits and juices and starches.

I want my new born should be fat so my wife can have c section, what should I feed him/her?
Feed her a lot of sugar and starch.

I do not have a family history of Diabetes Mellitus but I want to start a legacy, how do I do that?
Then start now feed your wife a lot of sugar and starch so all your kids will be fat and the next 100 generations will all die of Diabetes Mellitus.

Should I eat a lot of dall, beans, roti, rice and fruits?
Yes that is an excellent source of sugar and starch.

Should I eat white rice and brown rice?
Yes, excellent source of starch!

Is there a difference between brown rice and white rice?
Is there a difference between white man and a brown man?

Should I eat potatoes and sweet potatoes?
Yes, excellent for sugar and starch!

Should I eat bread, pasta, chips and cookies?
Yes, excellent for sugar and starch!

Should I eat chocolates, ice cream and desserts?
Yes, excellent source for sugar and saturated fat, that’s bad fat.

Can I eat oatmeal, skim milk and cereals?
Yes, they are the best way to start a day and give you an excellent source of purified sugar and starch.

I do not eat rice, only wheat, is that ok?
Very good, wheat is an excellent source of sugar and starch, better than rice, plus it gives you gluten that can cause stomach and brain problems, you can not ask for anything better.

Is brown rice better than white rice?
Very good, it gives you the same amount of sugar and starch. Eat more brown rice.

Is it ok not to use oil?
Why do you need any oil, it does not cause any medical problems. It is actually healthy to eat oil. But our goal is not to eat anything that is healthy

Am I healthier now that I do not eat eggs?
Excellent, because eggs do not cause heart disease and and they actually are beneficial for eyes and brain. Do not eat eggs.

Is it ok to eat oatmeal everyday?
Excellent, that is the best source of sugar and starch. In fact horses are developing diabetes mellitus in this country eating oats. Good job.

Is it good to drink diet drinks with sugar substitutes?
Excellent, that way you can gain weight and destroy your kidneys, you can kill 2 birds with one stone.

How do I make sure I live a happy short life?
Excellent philosophy, make sure you do not get married, if you do, then do not have children and if you do, make sure you have a excellent health insurance and life insurance because ,if you die who cares.

Is it ok to eat rice as long as I drain the water?
Excellent, doing that will not take away your starch from rice. It is like taking salt water from the ocean.

Am I healthy because I do not eat meat?
Good, meat has never been shown to kill people, you do not need it.

My cholesterol is very low, how do I increase it?
The best way to increase cholesterol is to eat sugar, starch and saturated fat.

My triglycerides are low and my good cholesterol is high, what should do?
Eat more sugar and starch that way you can decrease your good cholesterol and raise your triglycerides.

I only eat natural sugar not processed sugar.
Excellent, is there any difference between regular cyanide and processed cyanide.

I only eat sea salt.
Good, is there any difference between sea salt and regular salt

Moral of the story
Root cause of all misery and pain is the gluttony of sugar and starch and saturated fats

Should I take pride in being a carboholic?
You betcha, keeps the doctors and medical industry happy.

I exercise regularly?(Running)
Good now you can ruin your joints along with your health. Have you seen runners live to be hundred?

All I eat is whole wheat and whole grain in the form of breads and pasta.
Excellent, you are getting a great source of sugars and starches. You are on the the right track to ruining your health. Do not stop, keep up the good work.

I eat carrots, drink wine and eat beets
Excellent, great source of sugars. We actually make sugar from beets now.

I love to eat fruits.
Very good . The forbidden fruit. Excellent source of sugar and very comforting too, the cause for all misery. Eat five to eight servings of fruits.






Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Typical Day, A Typical Patient

Today I am going to talk about my daily experience in the office with

A couple, both working in the medical field, are sitting in my office for a cardiac evaluation. When I look at their medications, I realize that both of them are Diabetics. The first question I ask them is......

Why do you think you have diabetes?
It is hereditary, both my parents have diabetes.

I ask again...
Why do you have Diabetes?
There is a long pause and the answer is, “I do not know. May be because I do not exercise or may be it is stress or may be it is genetic.”

What causes adult onset Diabetes?
[Now there is a total silence.]
What do you think that you have been eating that is causing you
[Again there is a long pause.]

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Oatmeal or cereal with skim milk or fruits like an apple and a banana or orange juice. For lunch we have whole wheat chapatti(Indian bread similar to a tortilla) with dal(lentils) or rice and dal, and for dinner we eat the same thing again. Sometimes we have sandwich for lunch.

What is the problem in Diabetes?
High blood sugar.

What causes the blood sugar to be high?
If you eat a lot of Sugar and I add Starch to their statement.

Then I ask them what is sugar and starch and what foods contain them your diet?
[Again there is total silence]
I start telling them about all the food items that contain sugar and starch their eyes are now bulging. For the first time they are realizing that every thing they have been eating for the last 30 years was only empty calories in the form of sugar and starch.

If there is a fire and you want to put it out do you pour water or gasoline?
The answer comes back, water.

Then why are you adding gasoline to the fire called Diabetes which is slowly cooking you from head to toe by eating sugars and starches every meal?
They are stunned for a few moments. No one told us that this was bad for our health.

Then I ask what happens if you do not eat S and S?
Our blood sugars will come down.

If your blood sugars are normal and you start exercising will you need
medications to keep your blood sugar under control?

Then why don’t you give up sugar and starch?
If we do not eat S,S then what can we eat? (we are so accustomed to eating sugars and starches that we really do not know what to eat) The next statement is all my friends and family eat this, how can it be bad? Just because every one eats sugars and starch does not make it healthy.

How long before you have all the complications of Diabetes?
No answer.

How long before all your kids develop Diabetes and other complications?
No answer.

Why is your belly so big and hard?
I do not know. I have been exercising and I continue to gain weight and my belly is bigger by the year, why?

When you eat sugars and starch your blood sugars go up. You take medications to control your blood sugar. What happens to your blood sugar? It gets converted to fat with the help of Insulin and gets stored in your abdomen. Once it gets into the abdomen it stays there.
That explains all the uncles with big bellies and full faces with cheeks like a toad. There is fat being deposited in your Parotid glands in the cheeks, in the liver causing fatty liver and in the abdomen causing a big belly.

In 1920, a British doctor goes to South Africa. There he meets a group of Indians who have been exported from India to South Africa to do hard labor in Sugarcane farms. There was no electricity and no tractors to do all the hard work. He notices that their Calorie intake was about 1600
Calories a day. To his amazement instead of finding the Indians skinny he found them all to be obese and they all were suffering from Diabetes.
He made a powerful statement: AVOID SUGARS AND STARCHES. THEY ARE NOT
HEALTHY FOODS. Now 90 years later and count less number of people who died prematurely from Diabetes, we still have not learned the lesson.Why?


In 1980, in Hyderabad, I was watching a show on TV. Umregar, the cricketer, was being interviewed. He was asked what his secret was for looking young and healthy even though he was 80 years of age. His answer was: In 1963, I gave up three S's. SUGAR, STARCH, SALT. In my book, he is a very wise man. If in those days he realized that he does not need sugar and starch along with salt to live and lead a normal life then what is wrong with us? Why are we not doing it?

Back to my couple,

What happens to your eyes, nerves, kidneys and immunity when your HbA1c is more than 7 and your blood sugar is more than 150?
No answer.

I tell them to keep their HbA1c less than 5.5, preferably less than 5 and fasting blood sugar less than 90. When your blood sugar is high the white blood cells, which are the cops in the blood, become drunk and inefficient. Imagine you have a break-in and you call 911 and you find out that the cop is drunk. Who can help you? Similarly, when your WBC’s are not effective, your immunity drops and your risk for infections goes up and your wounds do not heal quickly. When your sugar levels are high, there is significant damage to the eyes leading to blindness, damage to the kidneys leading to kidney failure and nerve damage leading to severe neuropathy which leads to a lot of pain in your limbs.

Imagine how much money you will be making for all the Doctors and their families, the Hospitals and the Drug companies. They all love you. You are the Golden Goose laying Golden eggs. Such a noble cause that you are willing to sacrifice your life in ignorance for these institutions. GOOD JOB.

That is your story.

Imagine your body is a Dam. When you are born it is empty. As you grow old and as you eat sugar and starch you are collecting water in the dam. You can never empty it. You are the project engineer. You control the amount of water (sugar and starch) that comes into the dam. Once the
dam is full it starts to over flow. That is when you have developed Diabetes. Meaning every time you eat sugar and starch you are now overflowing. If you stop adding water then there is no over flow, that means you have contained the Diabetes. Now down stream you have a 20 million dollar home which is your body and in the yard you have your 2 lovely grandchildren, eyes and kidneys, playing. Now, when your dam is over flowing, you are flooding your home and drowning your grand kids who happen to be your eyes and kidneys. Who is one controlling the amount of water coming into the Dam? You


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Questions You May Have About Sugars And Protein In Your Diet

I am using honey in my tea and I assume that it is safe to use it. Any thoughts doctor?

No honey. The only honey is your wife!
Although honey is a natural sweetener, there is no nutritional advantage to using honey over sugar. The nutrient content of honey is same as sugar. There is no best sugar. Honey contains 60% fructose, the sweetest of monosaccharides (simple sugars) and 40% sucrose. Table sugar is sucrose (glucose plus fructose). Fructose is sweeter than sucrose. Honey is denser, sweeter and has slightly more carbs than table sugar. Honey has the highest calorie content of all sugars with 65 calories per tablespoon, compared to the 48 calories per tablespoon found in table sugar.

Doctor, Your series is getting better and better. You have discussed carbohydrates, sugars, nuts etc. How about cheese and yogurt? There are different varieties of these and which one you recommend?

Cheese contains almost no carbohydrate, 20-30 percent protein and about 30-40 percent fat. 100 grams of cheese supplies half of our daily Vitamin A needs, most of our Vitamin B12 needs and 20 percent of our folate needs. 100 grams of cheese supplies all our daily calcium needs, nearly 50 percent of our zinc needs, 25 percent of our iodine requirements and 20 percent of our selenium needs. Due to its high fat and low carb content, cheese has a low glycemic index (GI) value. The healthiest types of cheese are those with a lowfat, low sugar content. In general, the harder the cheese, the higher the fat content, with the exception of cream cheese which has a very high fat content. Ideally choose low fat, low sugar cottage cheese or curd cheese.

Fat free cream cheese contains a fat content (lipids) 1.36g/100g and sugar content 0.4g/100g; cottage cheese fat content (lipids) 4.51g/100g, sugar content 0.29g/100g; low fat cottage cheese fat content (lipids) 1.02g/100g, sugar content 2.72g/100g.

Plain yogurt starts out with the same carb count as the milk its made from, but watch the label, as additives can change the number. Also, the bacteria in yogurt eats lactose, so depending upon how long its fermented, the actual carb count can be about 8 gms less per cup. Sugar is present in yogurt because of non fat milk powder (has high concentration of lactose) which is added in order to thicken it . Also the amount of time the yogurt is left to ferment, effects the amount of sugar in it. The longer the yogurt is kept warm, the more lactose the bacteria will dine upon. Lastly, the whey of the yogurt is the part that has the most lactose, so if that is strained, the yogurt becomes more healthy.

Strained yogurts, which include Greek yogurt, dahi, Bulgarian yogurt and yogurt of Lebanon are types of yogurt, which have less sugar and more protein per cup.

I have “gout” and cannot eat nuts as they give me joint pain. What alternate proteins do you suggest?
Animal proteins are higher in purines. Cutting back to smaller portions and using lean meat, white meat, poultry, and pork is good for gout. Even though vegetable proteins, such as legumes, have higher purine content, they do not lead to gout attacks. Kidney beans, lima bean, soya beans, lentils, eggs, and dairy products are good to start with but most beans contain a lot of starch. About 3 to 4 ounces - of fish such as salmon, tuna, halibut, catfish, shellfish - two or three times a week is recommended. Whey protein, peanut butter and tofu from soybean are also good.

I have 2 children and they are studying in school. Do they need sugar to be active and energetic at school?

No sugar is recommended for children. The human tongue has 60 receptors for different tastes. Guess how many receptors are for sugar? Just one. Once the child is exposed to sugar it takes control and leads to addiction. A study on rats was done by giving them Cocaine. They gave rats cocaine and made them addicted to it. Then they gave sugar to the rats, what do you think the rats did. Yes, they gave up cocaine and went after sugar. That’s how addicting sugar is.

Doctor, I stopped using sugar in tea and coffee about 5 years back and I am using “Splenda” as it is advertised that it is made from sugar. Is Splenda recommended? If not, is there any other sugar substitutes that you recommend?

Currently, I would not recommend Splenda routinely. It will be discussed in future articles. I have a patient who started using Splenda. He came back and was concerned because his symptoms of depression had come back. He gave up Splenda and his symptoms improved. He went back on Splenda his symptoms came back. His question was, should I take Splenda and start back on Prozac or give up Splenda and give up Prozac? He gave up Splenda and Prozac.

Are your recommendations on food only for people with diabetes and cardiac problems? Do I need to avoid sugar even if my parents or I are not diabetic?

Eliminating sugar is for everybody. If you eat sugar, you will develop diabetes. If you are diabetic, you cannot control it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What You Should Know About Testing for Diabetes Mellitus & How to Control It

What should I do to find out if I have Diabetes?
Talking to your friends is not going to help. Find a Primary Care Doctor and make an effort to go see the Doctor.

Note: 25% of new onset diabetes mellitus already have micro vascular disease. That means small vessel disease involving eyes, kidney and nerves. What this means is that they have had the complications of the disease for the last 4-7 yrs before the diagnosis.

What tests should I have my Doctor run?
FBS Fasting Blood sugar, RPG random plasma glucose, OGTT Oral glucose tolerance test, HbA1C, Hemoglobin A1C.

What is fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ?
Blood sample drawn when you are fasting for at least 12 hrs. Normal is if blood sugar is less than 90. If more than 110 you are going to develop Diabetes.

What is random plasma glucose (RPG)?
You do not have to fast. It is a random blood sample drawn in your Doctors office. The level should be less than 125.

What is oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)?
This test is done in the lab where you have to go in fasting and you are given a sugar load to drink and your blood sugar is checked fasting, after one hour and after 2 hours by drawing your blood.

What is HbA1C ?
See the previous article on this topic.
Can I just check my blood sugar by using my dad’s finger stick machine?
Yes, but if abnormal, Capillary blood glucose meters (finger sticks) should be confirmed with blood draw (lab testing).

Normal Abnormal Treatment

FPG <90mg/dl>90mg/dl >110mg/dl
RPG <125>125 >125
HbA1C <5.5>5.5 >6

Goal is to control with diet Start diet/exercise and every 3 months have your labs done with your Doctor Diet Exercise and start medications under the care of your Doctor

You just have been diagnosed with diabetes. The questions that should go through your mind are as follows.
Why is this happening to me?
Because you have been eating Sugar and Starch all your life thinking it is the correct food to eat.

How will it affect me?
Now you have a life long partner. I have a family, I have money. Now you can proudly say I have diabetes. Your family and money may leave you. But your diabetes will always be with you, growing with every meal, eating you up from inside.

Is diabetes self managed?
You have to constantly work with it to control it. If not, it will eat you up.

Should I be serious about diabetes mellitus?
If not, you will be seriously ill and poor. Either you control diabetes mellitus or let diabetes control you.

Learn about the disease, its medications and tests. Learn about yourself and how diabetes mellitus affect you. You can maintain it if you work hard, learn and get support.


1st stage - Diagnosis of borderline Diabetes is made.
2nd stage - You are advised to go on Diet and exercise
3rd stage - Since you continue eat starch and sugar now you have moved up to Diet, exercise and a pill.
4th stage - As you continue to live on Sugar and Starch you will now be on Diet, exercise, 2-3 pills
5th stage – This is the stage most patients do not like and that is Diet, exercise, pills and insulin.
6th stage - Diet, exercise, insulin. Why, because you have stopped making insulin and are now dependant on insulin.

By now you are fully cooked. You are ripened for
• Eye doctor
• Nerve doctor
• Heart doctor
• Kidney doctor
• General surgery
• Family doctor
• Hospital and drug companies

Your toes, legs, kidneys are all gone.
You can stop all this by giving up sugars and starches TODAY.

NOTE: Patients with Diabetes are twice likely to develop depression.

What is the 1st step to take?

Learn about diet and quit sugar/starch.

Can I avoid or slow down the complications?

• Quit sugar and starch.
• Start exercise, lose weight.
• Control your blood pressure, decrease cholesterol
• Stress management and take medications if needed
• Foot care
• See a eye doctor regularly
• See you Primary care doctor every 3 months
• Regular monitoring of blood sugar

Don’t ever go to your Doctor and tell your doctor that you do not like medications .That they are all chemicals.

Have you ever wondered what your food is?

Is it any different than chemicals?

Please listen to your Doctor and take his/her advise on medications and regular follow up visits.

If you treat food like medication then why would you need a Doctor?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More About the HbA1C TEST

What is HbA1C and why do we do the test?

It is a test that measures the amount of sugar attached to the hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in blood. It is present in RBC (Red Blood Cells). Glucose binds to hemoglobin when new RBC’s are formed. The percentage of hemoglobin molecules that contain glucose provides an estimate of average blood sugar over 3 months. This test is only a measure of average blood sugar.

What should my HbA1C be?

Less than 5


Because the average HbA1C in a non diabetic is 4 TO 4.5%

What should a diabetic aim to have as a HbA1C?

Less than 5

But The American Diabetes Association says HbA1C should be <7?

6-7 is border line and < 6 is OK. If normal people should be less than 5, then why should a diabetic be around or above 5

What is borderline diabetes mellitus?

In my book, there is no borderline .Either you are a diabetic or you are not. Did you hear of borderline pregnant?

What does HbA1C predict?

Your risk of diabetic complications like heart disease, strokes, kidney failure, blindness, dementia, circulation problems, impotence

If it is high, what does it mean?

That your diabetes mellitus is out of control and you are enjoying eating a lot of carbohydrates (sugar and starch)

Are there good carbs and bad carbs?

They are all bad

How often should I check my HbA1C?

Every 3 months

Why is it going up?

If you are eating a lot of sugar, starch and not taking your medications correctly, it is likely to increase

How do I bring it down?

1. See your doctor

2. Quit sugar and starch

3. Exercise

4. Take your medications correctly

5. Keep a log of your daily blood sugar

6. You can also add Reddy Bread as a part of your daily diet to help control blood sugars.

What does it mean if my HbAIC is 10 and has been like that for some time?

That you are a moron and you have no respect for yourself, that you are a irresponsible and not a reliable individual who is incapable of taking care of his or her own health and well being, let alone the family. Not to mention the damage you are causing to your own body, from head to toe. Keep eating sugar, starch and don’t complain when your health goes down.

What causes a deceptive low level of HbA1C?

High doses of vitamin C and E

What is my HbA1C ?

Do not ask me, ask your doctor.Go and find out. Take control of your health!

Can I check it at home like I check my blood sugar ?

Yes, Food and Drug Association (FDA) approved Metrika A1C Now. This monitor is available, uses a drop of blood, and it is the size of a deck of cards (http://www.metrika/.com)

If HbA1C is high but random blood sugars are normal or within range, what should I do?

Take all the readings and show it to your doctor. Something is wrong. It could be the lab.

Elevated blood sugar may take 24 hrs to have any long term effect on HbA1C . So if your blood sugar is elevated for a few hours after a meal, your HbA1C may not be affected but the damage to your eyes, kidneys, nerves and other tissues continues. It is the slow cooking process of diabetes from head to toe and each meal adds fuel to fire.

What is the average blood sugar in healthy people ?


What is yours?

Non diabetic men with fasting blood sugar of 87 mg/dl or more had progressively increased risk of developing diabetes than those with values of less than 81 mg/dl. ( New England Of Journal Medicine)

Over a period of 22 years, the risk of cardiac death was 40% greater for those with fasting blood sugar > 85mg/dl. (Diabetes Care)

Non diabetics showed a 28% increase in mortality for every 1% increase in HbA1C above 4.9%

How to calculate mean plasma glucose ?
(35.6 x HbA1C ) -77.3 ( Diabetes Care)

My HbA1C is 6.5. What does it mean?
It means your average blood sugar is 154.

Your goal should be to have a blood sugar less than 90 (preferably less than 85) and HbA1C less than 5. See chart below

If you eat food and your blood sugar does not increase more than 10 mg/dl at 1 and 2 hrs, then you probably will never develop adult onset diabetes mellitus (AODM), obesity or complications from diabetes mellitus. That would be the REDDY DIET.

Go and find out what your fasting blood sugar and HbA1C are.

Change your diet. Eat responsibly. Love, respect and take care of yourself.

Sugar and starch make you gain weight even if you exercise.

Lentils and beans contain more starch than protein.